Glam Reference - Stormblood (BLM)

Reference sheet of Astraea Helbourne in her Stormblood (BLM) glam.

When going into Stormblood, I had nearly hit max level on Paladin and was looking to shake things up. Going behind enemy lines, Astraea didn't want a giant target painted on any unit she'd be around, and she'd taken to thaumaturgy and black magic rather well (having a voidsent bound to her certainly accelerated her studies). Turns out, trying out a wildly different job in Stormblood was a great idea.

Glam Pieces (and dyes)

  • Succubus Horns
  • Wind Silk Coatee
  • Claws of the Beast
  • Brand-new Waistwrap
  • Brand-new Thighboots
  • Voice of the Just
  • Ul'dahn Ring
  • Flame Sergeant's Ring