Glam Reference - Bozja Operative (PLD)

I've kept a gearset around just for this glam (and Bozja, technically, but mostly for glam reasons). Unfortunately I just don't have the glam plate slots for it after the addition of Viper and Pictomancer.
Glam Pieces (and dyes)
- Mandervillous Falchion Replica
- Succubus Horns
- Hooded Fireglass Leather Vest
- Model A-1 Tactical Fingerless Gloves (Dalamud Red Dye)
- YoRHa Type-55 Bottoms of Fending
- High House Halfboots
- Mandervillous Kite Shield Replica
- Voice of the Just
- Manalis Choker of Fending
- The Emperor's New Bracelet
- Ul'dahn Ring
- Flame Sergeant's Ring